Vacancies – Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena.

Translating Memories: The Eastern European Past in the Global Arena, funded by the European Research Council (ERC), is being carried out at the School of Humanities, Tallinn University (2020-2024). Principal Investigator (PI) is PhD Eneken Laanes. The project is recruiting two post-doctoral Researchers as well as one Senior Researcher.

The project explores post-Soviet Central and Eastern European attempts to make their local histories of the Second World War and the Socialist regime known globally. It examines these efforts through aesthetic media of memory – literature, film and art – that circulate globally and bring local experiences to global audiences and through the heated public debates that these works of art have provoked in different national and transnational contexts. What memorial forms have been used to make Eastern European memories intelligible in the global arena? What is gained and what is lost in this translation? What can the different ways that aesthetic acts of memory are received nationally and transnationally tell us about the frictions between these scales of memory and within the national itself? How has the globalisation of memory practices reinforced national memory in Eastern Europe? The project argues that the recently reinforced comparative and competitive political discourses about twentieth-century totalitarianisms in Eastern Europe can only be understood by exploring the arts that have developed more productive comparative and translational approaches and can therefore help to untangle the most recalcitrant nodes of confrontational political discourses and addressing the ethical and political complexity of remembering war and state terror.
The aesthetic media of memory (literature, film, art, museums) are studied in the contexts of wider memory cultures, including their relationship to the politics of memory of different (trans)national memory cultures in the region. The project aims to offer a comparative and transnational view of Central and Eastern European attempts to negotiate their entangled histories of twentieth-century totalitarianisms within the global framework.

The candidates are expected to submit the required applications documents (preferably in PDF-format) by 15th April 2020 to Personnel Office of Tallinn University (Narva mnt 25, room T-218, 10120, Tallinn, or digitally signed to with the title “Academic competition”.

More information about the postdoctoral positions can be found here.

More information about the senior researcher position can be found here.

Practical questions on the competition should be directed to, questions about the research project and the nature of the work should be sent to Dr Eneken Laanes,

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