Global Easts Conference 17-19 January 2024

The new international ‚Global Easts‘ Conference, organized by the Critical Global Studies Institute (CGSI) and the Global Easts Consortium, takes place between the 17th and 19th of January 2024 at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea. The conference will serve as a forum to discuss the possibility of a new discourse of ‚Global Easts‘ beyond the dichotomy of ‚East‘ and ‚West‘.

The conference is structured around two themes: ‚Gendered Violence in Global Easts‘ is the topic of the first day and ‚Global Easts as a Problem Space‘ forms the focus point of the two following conference days. Over 30 international researchers from Germany, Vietnam, the United States, the United Kingdom, Poland, and other countries are expected to engage in discussions on ‚Global Easts‘ as a new discourse.

Among them are three researchers affiliated with EEGA:  Matthias Middell (Global and European Studies Institute, University of Leipzig) will take part in the opening remarks, Maren Röger (GWZO) will give an input on „Sexualized Violence by German Military in the East: About Researched Patterns and Open Questions“ and Frank Hadler (GWZO) was invited as a panel guest on the topic „How to Study Eastern Europe as a Global Area?“.

In July 2022 did Jie-Hyun Lim, professor of transnational history and director of the Critical Global Studies Institute at Sogang University, visit Leipzig to present his book „Global Easts – Remembering, Imagining, Mobilizing“ in the ReCentGlobe’s Druckfrisch Book Discussion, joined by Katja Castryck-Naumann, Frank Hadler and Matthias Middell at GWZO. You can find the filmed book discussion online here.

Please find the complete programme of ‚Global Easts‘ here.

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