X. Dr. Fritz Exner Colloquium on Southeast European Studies

We would like to draw your attention to the X. Dr. Fritz Exner Colloquium on Southeast European Studies on the topic “Southeastern Europe is dead? Long live Southeastern Europe! Positionalities in an Interdisciplinary Research Area” that hosts a number of former EEGA fellows and current EEGA Affiliate Researchers.

The colloquium takes place October 13-15, 2021, at European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Germany. Due to the corona situation, the number of participants on site is limited to the speakers. Individual programme points will take place digitally or in a hybrid format (see programme) and are open to interested parties. To participate digitally in the lectures, please use the registration form.

This year’s Dr.-Fritz-Exner-Colloquium on Southeast European Studies aims to start a discussion on self-positioning, knowledge production and knowledge transfer within this ‘small discipline’. The organisers are by no means declaring Southeast European Studies as dead, but they do think it is time to reflect again and together on authorship, methods, points of reference and contents of German Area Studies on Southeastern Europe within a scholarly landscape in transition.
For many years, the colloquium has provided a platform for interdisciplinary exchange among early career academics. They would like to take the 10th edition of the Dr.-Fritz-Exner-Colloquium as an opportunity to continue this tradition and to initiate a theoretical and methodological discussion about the future of Southeast European Studies in the German-speaking academic field.

For more information, please see the website. The programme you will find here.


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