CfA: MA programme “European Studies – Eastern Europe in a Global Perspective”

The Call for Application for the MA programme “European Studies – Eastern Europe in a Global Perspective” is now open. After the successful start of this newly designed programme last winter semester, Leipzig University in cooperation with EEGA is looking for applications for the second intake.

One of the goals of EEGA is to break down regionally compartmentalised approaches and to promote an informed understanding of Eastern Europe in its diverse traditions and positions, developments and dynamics. The Master’s degree course on Eastern Europe in a global perspective helps promoting this understanding among young researchers at postgraduate level.

The Call for Application is open until 31 May 2019.

The 2-year MA programme offers the opportunity to deal with both cultural traditions and current innovation processes in Eastern European countries. Transformation and identity formation processes are addressed and interpreted in a comparative perspective. The students will be enabled to recognise future cultural and socio-political tendencies and to situate them in the pan-European context. The interdisciplinary studies programme includes not only economics, social sciences and law but also cultural history and literary studies modules. The focus is placed on relevant research approaches and methods that will shed light on the subject, for example on cultural or social phenomena in Eastern Europe.

Click here for further information:

Prof. Dr. Birgit Harreß

Stephan Kaschner
Tel: +49 341 9730263

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