Vacancy Postdoctoral researcher in the ERC-funded project MoveMeRU

The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) seeks to fill the position of one

Postdoctoral researcher in the ERC-funded project MoveMeRU

The successful candidate will work in an interdisciplinary research team within the ERC project Moving Russia(ns): Intergenerational Transmission of Memories Abroad and at Home” (MoveMeRU) led by Dr Félix Krawatzek, the project’s Principal Investigator (PI). The project runs from September 2022 to August 2027. The research group is hosted by the Berlin-based Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) and will be composed of the PI, a research coordinator, one PhD student and two post-docs.

MoveMeRU explores the extent to which young adults in migrant and non-migrant families identify with their parents’ homeland and historical setting. It aims to assess the conditions under which the historical memories and political attitudes of young adults in migrant and non-migrant families converge with, or diverge from, those of their parents and to identify what kinds of historical memories are conducive to solidarity and pluralist political attitudes or, conversely, to indifference and intolerance. The ERC-funded project will focus on the Russian migrant population in Germany, Estonia, and Canada. The findings will shed light on the use of memories to appeal to the emotions of Russians at home and abroad, and how this is leveraged to increase their sense of belonging to Russia.

More information about the project can be found here.

Start of employment: 1 February 2023
Duration of employment: 3 years, renewable by one year
Extent of employment: Full time
Remuneration: The salary is based on the E13 salary scale of the collective agreement for the civil service (TVöD)
Place of Employment: Berlin

The full job advertisment can be found here.

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