Discussion: Wir müssen reden! „Das ist (nicht) unser Krieg“

On 23 February 2023, Prof. Dr. Irina Scherbakowa (Memorial International), Juri Durkot, (translator and publicist, Lviv) and Markus Meckel (former Foreign Minister) will discuss the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Members of Demokrati-Ja will take part in the discussion. The event organised by the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship in conjunction with Demokrati-Ja will be moderated by former EEGA media advisory board member Tamina Kutscher, freelance journalist.

One year ago, Russia invaded neighbouring Ukraine with a huge deployment of troops. On this occasion, the current situation, the causes, but also the possible social and political consequences of the war for Europe will be discussed. This includes the different positions on arms deliveries and support for Ukraine as well as the evaluation and punishment of war crimes committed by Russia. And, of course, the discussion will focus on the people affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, who have had to leave their homes, are staying in the war zones or are fighting on the front lines.

Where and when? 23 February 2023, at 6 pm on site at Kronenstraße 5, in 10117 Berlin.

You can also follow the event live on YouTube or afterwards in the media library of the Federal Foundation for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship. Registration is not required.

Please also see the event flyer.

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