CfP: War in Ukraine: Situating Mobilities and Migration in Times of Multiple Crises

With this call the organisers are inviting scholars of geography and related disciplines (including anthropology, history, or sociology) for a special session at Neue Kulturgeographie 2023 conference sponsored by EEGA Research Area 1. The conference will take place from 26-28 January 2023 in Halle/Saale.

Please, find the full text of the call for papers here.

Please submit abstracts of not more than 300 words including title of the presentation, name and institutional affiliation of the author to the coordinators of EEGAs Research Area 1 “Mobilities and Migration Regimes” Jonathan Everts (, Steffi Marung (, Wladimir Sgibnev ( by 30 Sept 2022 (please note that this is also the deadline for submitting abstracts to the NKG conference – if the deadline for general submissions to the conference is extended, so will the deadline for the special session; please do also note that you do not have to submit your abstract to the conference organisers, this will be done by the convenors of this special session).

The call for the Neue Kulturgeographie conference and further information can be found here.

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