CfP – IAMO Forum 2020 „Digital transformation – towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia“

We would like to warmly invite you to participate in the IAMO Forum 2020 „Digital transformation – towards sustainable food value chains in Eurasia„.
Be part of this unique conference and present your latest results to an international audience from academia, business and politics from 24 to 26 June 2020 in Halle (Saale), Germany.

IAMO Forum 2020 is setting up a dialogue among researchers and stakeholders from business, politics, and society to discuss economic, social, environmental, and institutional aspects of the digital transformation of food value chains. The geographical focus of the conference is on Europe, Central Asia, and China, including comparative studies.

Digital innovations are seen as a major driver behind food economy growth in the future, not only in the EU but all over Eurasia. It is widely expected that the use of digital technologies will fundamentally change the conditions of development and the behavioral patterns of economic agents, bringing new business models and market structures, restoring competitive conditions and strengthening global agri-food chains.

The following questions with a geographical focus on Europe, Central Asia and China will be discussed at the IAMO Forum 2020:

  • What are the impacts of digital technologies on different segments of agri-food value chains?
  • How are the benefits of digital technologies distributed among producers, consumers, and the agri-business?
  • How to deal with potential risks of digitalization?
  • How to meet the digital needs of producers, traders, and consumers and to boost trust into new technologies?
  • How can digitalization contribute to improving sustainability of food systems?
  • What are the prerequisites for a successful digital transformation?
  • What is the role of policies in realizing the potential of digitalization?
  • How can digital tools and methods be used for agricultural and applied research?

The conference language will be English.

Submit your abstract or propose your organized session until 10 February 2020.
Please find more information on the call for papers and organized sessions here.

More detailed information about the IAMO Forum 2020  is available here.

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