Roundtable: Recovery, Risk and Resilience: Re-thinking the future of EU-South Caucasus relations

On 25 November, 6 pm, EEGA Partner FSU Jena (Caucasus Studies) invites to an on-line roundtable with the topic „Recovery, Risk and Resilience: Re-thinking the future of EU-South Caucasus relations“ in cooperation with ZOiS Caucasus Network.

The purpose of this roundtable is to discuss whether the recent “resilience turn” in EU foreign policy is the right response to aggravated challenges in the EU’s South Caucasus neighborhood, and how we could understand the practical application of this new policy concept.

The roundtable will focus on two specific policy areas: (1) elections, polarization and problems with rule of law reforms, and (2) recovery from territorial conflicts and managing security challenges, with a specific focus on the recent Nagorny-Karabagh War.

The event will be held in English and open to the general public (upon registration).

For more information, please see the event programme as PDF.

Please register through

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