Coachings for successful development of funding applications
In the past months, there have been several coachings on how to apply successfully for funding.
The coaching by Prof. Dr. Matthias Middell, tenured Professor and Director of the Global and European Studies Institute at Leipzig University, spokesperson of the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1199: “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition” and co-spokesperson of the Steering Committee of EEGA gave insights and advise on intellectual, administrative, organisational and time-specific aspects of writing convincing funding applications and project proposals for submission at third party funding institutions. The group session was directed at young researchers at doctoral and postdoctoral level.
Prof. Sebastian Lentz (IfL) and Dr. Christian Schaich, our guest from the ZOIS, gave a good insight into the world of applications in a scientific context. It was not so much about the consideration of formalities, but about the fundamental considerations of how to make such proposals. Both speakers reported from their many years of experience, also from the perspective of a credit assessor, and encouraged the participants. During their sessions, our speakers talked about: Review criteria, cooperation with partners in Eastern Europe and applications to German funding institutions.
Prof. Dr. Ursula Rao gave personal insights on how to apply for a research grant at the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Some impressions of the coachings