CfP Double Panel: Socialist Mobilities: Networks, Spaces, Practices, 6th European Congress on World and Global History

EEGA Doctoral Fellow Ana Moledo and Steffi Marung, Universität Leipzig, are organizing a Double Panel at the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) Congress 2020.

The Sixth ENIUGH Congress  will take place in Turku from June 25-28, 2020 and focusses on Minorities, Cultures of Integration, and Patterns of Exclusion.

During the last years a growing literature has empirically enriched our understanding of socialism(s) and communism(s) in a global perspective, by hinting at the variations and multiplications of these political projects as a result of transregional encounters of actors in the wake of decolonization and the Cold War. More specifically, East-West and East-South axes of such encounters have been highlighted.

By focusing on socialist mobilities, this panel aims to further develop this agenda in two ways. Firstly, by investigating a triangular geography that connects Eastern Europe, the transatlantic North, and the Global South. Secondly, by integrating “socialist mobilities” into broader trends of mobility studies, thereby further differentiating concepts of “transregional mobilities” and their relation to processes of globalization.

The panel is designed to launch a publication project leading to a journal special issue. Selected speakers for the panel might wish to contribute to this publication, yet also those not being selected due to organizational constraints, but with strong proposals, might still become part of the publication, as further authors’ workshops will follow.

Paper proposals addressing the agenda of the panel are invited until 30 August 2019. Proposals shall include a paper title, as well as an abstract (100-300 words), contact data of the authors and a short CV.
Please send your proposals to Steffi Marung (

For more Information click here.

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