Call for Applications for Thematic Workshops and Conferences

Call for Applications: EEGA@interaction: Thematic Workshops and Conferences
Deadline for submissions: 1 September 2018
Start of funding: ongoing

The ScienceCampus EEGA offers open-rank and cross-institutional activities that create an efficient platform for excellent multi-disciplinary cooperation. Part of these collaborative activities are thematic workshops and conferences organised by and for Postdocs. EEGA invites for proposals for thematic workshops and conferences, including thematic writing retreats and discussion fora. Applications must be related institutionally to one of the EEGA partner institutions (directly or through existing cooperations) and topically to the research focus of one or more research areas. Preparatory contact with the respective research area coordinators is advised. Workshops can take place in Germany or in Eastern Europe in a wider sense. The events may vary in group sizes, though should not have less than 5 participants or more than 25. Generally, a workshop, conference or writing retreat should not exceed 3 days. Start of funding is possible beginning with January 2019.

The support offered by EEGA can have the form of either full funding of costs for travel, accommodation, honoraria, catering, equipment and room rent for the workshop, or partial subsidies for events that have secured funding elsewhere but require smaller financial supplements, e.g. for the invitation of guests or prominent guest speakers. The coordination of the ScienceCampus can assist with general administrational and organisational support, for example in identifying guest speakers and moderators, cooperation partners, venues and main target audiences for the event. The applicant(s) as main organiser(s) are responsible for actual invitations, consultations with guest speakers, calls for papers and bookings and arrangements for travel, accommodation and catering. All payments will be made by the EEGA (via the Leibniz-Institute for Regional Geography Leipzig) directly.

The scholar(s) organising the thematic workshop, writing retreat or discussion forum are firstly asked to mention and display the Leibniz ScienceCampus EEGA as supporter of the workshop on conference materials and in announcements. Secondly, the organiser(s) are obliged to inform the EEGA coordination about changes in the outset of the event. Thirdly, the financial support by EEGA may be used only for measures and purposes that are stated in the application and that have been acknowledged by the EEGA coordination. Fourthly the organiser(s) commit to publishing a summary of the workshop in the EEGA@connections series of the online journal “Connections – A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists” ( The summary shall have the form of a working paper with contributions by workshop participants (about 2.500 – 10.000 words, depending on dimensions of the workshop and EEGA support). The editorial board of the journal will provide advice regarding layout, scope and quality of the working paper. Finally, the event should be open for junior and senior scholars of EEGA member institutions.
Applications must include:

1. EEGA Application Form
2. CVs (of main organisers)
3. Calculation of expected costs

Click here to find the CfA.
Click here to find information for Applicants.

Please submit your application as one PDF (max. 18 pages, 10 MB) to and consider the notes for the specific funding measures the EEGA provides.


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